Be the next step in someone else's journey

Despite the benefits of yoga being so widely spoken of there still seems to be a great stigma attached to the practice, preventing many people from ever giving it a go. At ‘but first, yoga’ we believe it is time to break away from these preconceptions and extinguish them once and for all. Our quest is therefore to make yoga accessible to a wider demographic and encourage people to adopt it into their lives irrespective of their gender, age or spiritual disposition.


It seems that so often the simplicity of yoga is lost, for it to appear overly complicated, unattainable and unrelatable to many people. Yet at ‘but first, yoga’ it is in the simplicity of the practice where we believe its power lies, seeing it as a potent tool in overcoming the physical, spiritual and emotional obstacles our lives are so often presented with.


Whether it is regarding the stress of our jobs, our busy minds whilst we are trying to sleep, apprehensions about situations out of our control, or the aches and ailments in our bodies that only seem to multiply with age, all of these issues can be overcome by simply stopping to take the time out to say, ‘but first, yoga’.


By immersing ourselves into a deep stretch, maintaining our balance and focusing on our breath, we can sooth the body and quieten the mind of its distractive thoughts. This then allows us to tackle whatever life chooses to present us with, with our own clarity, calm and conviction. This is the message we are looking to promote at ‘but first, yoga’ and here is how you play your part…


For every one of our natural rubber yoga mats you buy, we will then put on a free yoga class and offer it to anyone who wishes to try it, at no cost of their own. Whether someone is wanting to try yoga for the first time, whether they practice infrequently and are looking to develop a more regular routine, or whether they have a frequent practice and are simply looking to expand it, we are looking to help. It does not matter to us whether their intention is physical, spiritual, emotional or simply an excuse to get out of the house, we are here to facilitate it. 


As we are still a company in its infancy, the first classes will be local to us in Ramsgate but, as we expand and our reach broadens, we hope to give away free classes even further afield, taking our movement to a national and (hopefully one day) international level. 


So why not be the next step in someone else’s journey? Buy one of our mats, sign up to our newsletter and see how your contribution is spreading the power of yoga around the world. 


but first...